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Sostanza: Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)
Pacchetto: 10 fiale (50mg/ml)
Produttore: Maxtreme


Stan-Max or Stanozolol injections is much faster and better than the tablet format of winstrol. In addition, the injections do not cause significant damage to the liver, as they do not have a pronounced toxic effect. The main purpose of Winstrol is to get rid of fluid with fat, and the appearance of appropriate relief with vennostnosti.

Effects of Stan-Max:

  • Burning subcutaneous fat on the abdomen and other problem areas;
  • The appearance of muscle relief and its fitness;
  • Increased power performance;
  • Regular injections give the muscles stiffness that is not naturally achieved;
  • Speed ​​recovery;
  • It can be used by women, both for cutting, and for mass gaining;
  • In combination with other drugs, Winstrol can help gaining very dry muscle mass;
  • Stanozolol does not lead to gyno and other byproducts.

Side effects

  • In the form of an injection (in fiale) – with the right dosing does not contribute to side effects;
  • Arterial hypertension is possible (eliminated by taking antihypertensive drugs);
  • Indicators of cholesterol in the blood are raised (disposable by taking Omega-3);

PCT after Stanoject

Post-cycle therapy is standard: buy tamox or clomid. If there was a cycle on testosterone, then buy anastrozole and dosinex. Start PCT 3-4 days after the final injection of winstrol. When using deca, tamox is banned.

PCT duration is 10-14 days. If necessary, quickly restore fertility pierce gonadotropin.